Campaigns action & awareness

About the organisation

From 2018 to present Proper Good has worked with Shelter, a UK charity that helps people in housing need by providing advice and practical assistance, and campaigns for better investment in housing and for laws and policies to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.

About the project

Using video and photography, Proper Good has worked on various hard hitting campaigns over several years – the M&S Winter campaign to increase funds for the Shelter Helpline, the Overcrowding Campaign, to improve the conditions of overcrowded social housing, and the Unfit Housing Campaign, that focuses on changing legislation to end the housing emergency in the UK. 

Our campaign results

The Unfit Housing Campaign launched an open letter directed at Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Housing. Our videos were used across Shelter’s social channels and helped deliver 15,000 petition signatures for the Open Letter. The campaign reached nearly 350,000 people and had nearly 700,000 impressions.


The government announced the Renters Reform Bill shortly after the Queen’s Speech campaign. Shelter think that the campaign contributed to the speed of the announcement since one of the campaign’s key demands was to ‘fix private renting’. 

For the M&S Helpline campaign, in previous years, the money raised funded all calls answered by Shelter’s free national helpline over Christmas, helping us support over 19,000 families struggling with bad housing or homelessness. Since 2005, M&S customers have helped raise an incredible £4 million for us through sales of the Festive Collection range alone.


 ‘Jenga’ was created as part of the charity Shelter’s Fight for Home Campaign.

Poem ‘Jenga’ written by: Melody Blasich, Leah Chan (PGR), Jane English, Tracey Ford, Martin Hegarty, Francis Kamara, Hjalmar Potts, Edward Russell, Amy Unwin

Poem edited by: Will Harris

Poetry workshop design and facilitation: Will Harris and Millie Harvey

Director and producer: Millie Harvey

Shoot director: Ben Mann

DOP: Eduardo Vidal, Ben Mann

Sound: Jonny Horn

Edit: Millie Harvey

Sound design: Aumeta

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